Gifts Homemade-to-order with Love!
Gifts Homemade-to-order with Love!
I have worked in Healthcare since I was in high school and I loved every minute of it. I am just starting to slow down some and do work from home however I still teach EMS education and here is a link to my website!
In the years past I never had the time for this, all I know is I found time to do it now and I am so glad I did! Please if you need to chat about anything advertising, EMS education, CPR training, shopping sites, or my online stores! Book here if you need to chat with me!
I have worked in healthcare since I was in high school and loved every bit of it! I am finally just starting to slow down a bit in life and now I am working from home, in my spare time, I make a few homemade gifts to sell and I work with some online advertising !
I believe every business is unique, so I take a customized approach to every project. I work closely with the clients to understand their individual needs.
I offer a motivational blog, shopping online sites, EMS education, and I advertise as an affiliate.